Sunday, August 22, 2010

Don't Work Your Abs.... Say WHAT?

I am going to address something I have heard lately that I think is complete hogwash. And I am sure I will take some flack for this, but I'm going to say it anyhow:

I've been reading people advising others not to work their abs. The thought seems to be that if you do squats and deadlifts and other exercises that require core stabilization, that is enough ab work. I've also been hearing that you should not use weights when you work abs because it will make them look too thick, especially the obliques. To which I respond........


Let me ask you a question: When was the last time you saw someone with ab muscles that were just too big? Go on.... Rack your brain...... Now think some more....... Try even harder to recall..... You can't, can you? Yeah... so let's just forget the notion that working abs with weights will make them too big and thick. It's silly.

I work my abs with weights frequently. Have for years. My waist currently measures 26 1/2 inches. And let's entertain the notion for a minute that you could make them too big by working them with weights... Let's just let our minds go there and envision it has happened to you..... Are you there mentally? If this is the case STOP WORKING THEM WITH WEIGHTS!


You can always deflate a muscle group by reducing the stress put on it. Reduce the amount of weight that a muscle group is bearing, reduce the size of the muscle group. It's that simple.

'Nuff said on that subject.....

Okay, now for this notion that you shouldn't work your abs at all:

This idea makes as much sense as saying that your triceps get hit working chest (they do) so they shouldn't be worked separately. We all want toned tri's, yes? Don't we even more-so want toned abs? Then why wouldn't we target them?

Abs are a muscle, like any other They need to be targeted. They need their own special spot in your weekly split. I often work mine twice a week. One day, the day I do them for sure, is unweighted at home with a DVD. The other day is usually heavy weighted in the gym. Ask my workout partner. I make that big muscle-bound boy cry on ab day! My abs are smaller than his, and my abs are STRONGER than his!

The only time I see an exception to this rule is if you are one of these rare individuals who has naturally defined abs. These are the people I'd imagine started the "don't specify your abs" theory. Lucky them. The rest of us have to work abs. Period.

I have naturally strong abs but I'm telling you that when I don't work them they stop showing muscle tone.

Look, there are some smaller muscle groups, like forearms and inner and outer thighs, that most people can bypass when working out because they get adequately hit when other body parts are worked. But abs? The midsection is the place people usually most want to see definition. If YOU want to see definition there, I'd advise you target them babies.

There is no place to see true fitness in the body like in the abdominal area. IMHO, you can't see the results of strong abs without working them.


  1. Totally agree Nancy! While I work abs like every other muscle, I never went overboard to do 1,000 crunches a day or anything, but include them in my muscle groups. My abs are naturally strong as well, and with proper nutrition and exercise, my muscles started to show. Great blog!

  2. I totally agree! While my ab muscles are not very strong, yet, I do set aside a specific workout to target those muscles. As always, a very informative blog!
