Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Surround Yourself With Accountability.

The concept of this blog is really pretty simple, but it's the thing that has been key in me finally being able to make a permanent lifestyle change: I boxed myself in with as much accountability as possible.

It started with going to Weight Watchers meetings. Not the At-Home program. Not on-line meetings. The actual in-person meetings. I knew I needed the accountability of weighing in with an actual human being once a week. And I don't just weigh and leave: I make myself stick around for the meetings. I'll be honest with you- Most of the meetings I feel like I could lead myself. I have the most phenomenal WW leader on the planet (I love you, Jane!), but for me they are largely review. They help keep my head in the game, though, so I attend 'em.

Over time I've added other things: Now I also weigh at home at least twice a week, have a fantastic personal trainer who takes my measurements every four weeks (Ross, I am blessed to have found you!), and have a wonderful man who is helping me distance (thank heavens for the Internet!) with my nutrition and breathes down my neck about anything I eat that gets in my way of my goals (No more iceberg lettuce, Ruben! I promise!). I have started this blog, and I've posted pics of my progression on public sites. If you are reading this, you are part of my accountability network.

Additionally, I have started using for more than just motivation and have started to also post my food and workouts there. The more I have to own up to what I am doing, the less likely I am to mess up.

And, I have in mind down the road, after my braces come off and after my daughter is married (about a year and a half from now), to compete in figure and/or bikini competitions. Maybe when it comes right down to it we'll (trainer, nutrionist, and myself) get to the point where I should be competition ready and decide my body isn't right for it. I dunno. But I'm gonna at least look like a figure competitor, even if I don't actually compete.

What's it gonna hurt? Nothing. What's it going to help? Everything.

I plan to have a new goal in front of me, be it a competition, a race, a new body fat level, or adding more muscle, at all times. And I plan to always attend Weight Watchers meetings and weigh in weekly. Why? Because I know if I don't, eventually I'll gain the weight back and go back to what I was. I must ALWAYS be accountable. That's just the way it is.

This is my plan, and I'm sticking to it! What's yours?

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