Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Great Weigh-In Debate

Do you ever struggle with how often you should weigh yourself? I've seen rather heated discussions on the subject.  Everyone seems to have an opinion.  It can get confusing. 

Personally?  I don't think there is one answer for everyone.  I think this has more to do with your own personality than anything else.  And, to a lesser degree, your goals.

If you are someone who needs constant accountability to keep your head in the game, daily weighing is what I would suggest.  Knowing that you have to face the scale every morning might help you to stay on-track during the day.

On the other hand, if you are someone who gets discouraged with the daily (normal) fluctuations in scale weight, a weekly or bi-weekly weigh-in might be better for you.

And some people do better if they just don't get on a scale at all and instead focus on the changes in how clothes fit, measurements, and how they look in the mirror.  Which are actually more accurate, albeit slower, gauges, anyhow.

Then there is the factor of goals.  Weight loss is a completely different mindset than maintenance.  You might decide you need to weigh more or less often, depending on where your head is in your current journey.  Personally, I do best during maintenance when I weigh daily.  But that's me.  Some people are better at letting it go entirely or just jumping on a scale every once in a while to make sure they are still on target.

And then there is the goal of muscle gain.  When I start with a new client, I ask them to step away from the scale, if at all possible. This is because, for reasons unknown to me, often the scale weight will change very little while the body shape changes fairly rapidly once intense resistance training is introduced.  If someone is focusing on the scale it makes it very hard for them to acknowledge the physical changes taking place in their body.

Likewise, if you are working with a trainer who wants you to weigh in at certain intervals, that is what you need to do.  Don't jack with their program!  (I did a blog by [almost] that title here.)

There is so much more to your fitness than a number on the scale!

And lastly, however often you decide to weigh, strive to do it at the same time of day, in the same amount of dress, having eaten (or not eaten) the same number of meals before hand.  The most accurate time to weigh is first thing in the morning, after you have used the restroom and buck naked.  But even then, there are fluctuations, so don't let a gain of a pound or two ruin your day.  Just make note of it, keep doing the right thing, and weigh at the next scheduled weigh date.  The most important thing is that the overall trend is downward.

Don't allow someone else's opinion of how often you should weigh guilt you or have you second-guessing what is right for you. We are all individuals.  Do what works for you, and respect what others say works for them.  It's a big fitness world and there is room for all of our differences.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. I do better when I weigh every day. I know it's data and static noise.
