This morning, while purchasing frozen berries, my checker asked me if I juice. (And by this I mean make juice in a juicer, not use steroids.... which I also don't do!) She looked surprised when I told her no, I don't believe in it and asked why not. I told her because everything I've seen about juicers shows that they leave the good stuff (the pulp) behind.
Juicing seems to be the symbol of health and vitality lately, but in reality it's cutting one's self short of a lot of fiber and nutrients. The whole fruit or vegetable is more healthy than squeezing the liquid out and leaving the solid behind. In terms of heart health, colon health, cholesterol, satiety, and elimination, to name a few, the whole food is far superior to what you are left with when juicing.
Every time someone crows "I can get twelve servings of fruits and vegetables in one glass!", I inwardly roll my eyes. Uh, that's not twelve servings, because a true serving would have the pulp. That's like, maybe, 4 servings by the time you get rid of all the good stuff you left behind, and even then it's only partial nutrients. They'd be better off spreading half of those twelve fruits and vegetables out over the course of the day. The nutrition of six pieces of fruit or vegetable would be better overall, and it would be a lot less expensive.
So no, I don't juice. When I do make a liquid with my produce, I blend. That way, I get ALL of the food down me, and don't have to clean up a messy juicer when I'm done.
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