Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Evolvement of Moderation

I have heard a lot of people say that a life of moderation is key in keeping balance between real life and fitness.  I completely agree, but I've come to find that my view of moderation has had to change as my fitness journey has progressed.  What used to be moderate for me would now be considered excess. 

The changes in what I considered "moderate" happened gradually as I progressed.  I'd stall and realize I had to take an honest look at what I was doing, then figure out what must change to get closer to my goal.  This usually involved giving something up.  (Okay, I was "substituting" one thing for a healthier choice most of the time, but the fact is that I had to give one thing up in order to substitute it with another.)  My definition of "moderation" had to change once again. 

It's a natural process that you will have to go through, too, as you get more fit.

When I started my journey to weight loss at almost 200 pounds, a small serving of dessert every day was moderation.   I have found that at my maintenance weight a serving of dessert perhaps every week or two is now moderation.  At the beginning of my weight-loss I could eat most every food I'd eaten when I was not trying to lose weight, just in controlled amounts.  Now I have had to abandon many of those foods on all but a the very rare occasion to maintain the health I have worked so hard to achieve.  This has been hard for me to accept, but I have had to wrap my head around the fact that if I do what I used to do, I'll look like I used to look.  Worse yet, I'll be as unhealthy as I used to be.  Not cool.

I miss ice-cream with magic shell.  I miss baking several times a week and eating it, to include sampling the dough/batter/frosting.  I miss my Chili Dog Pie recipe and my Grandma's biscuits.  I really do.  But if I continue to indulge in these things regularly I won't be able to maintain my current level of health. 

I guess I've decided that I'd rather live a longer life enjoying these foods hardly ever than a shorter one eating them as often as I'd like.

It's your call.  It's your body.  It's your life. I'm not judging you.  But if you want to continue to see the fat come off and/or the muscle come on, you are going to have to adjust your definition of "moderation" as you progress.  I'm sorry if I'm the bearer of bad news...... I didn't make this rule up.... It's just the way it is.

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