Friday, March 5, 2010

Getting started with exercise at home, part II

I'm preparing to discuss how get get started using that at-home exercise equipment I described earlier.

But before I do, there are a couple of terms you need to understand. I realize most people already know these, but you never know....

Rep- Short for "repetition", a rep simply means the complete execution of an exercise. So for instance in a dumbbell curl, one rep means from the starting position with your arms fully extended to the contracted position where the weight is brought up by your shoulders back to the starting position is one "rep".

Set- A set is performing more than one repetition at at time. So if I am going to do a set of 12 dumbbell curls, I'll be doing 12 repetitions in a row without stopping. (Or at least without QUITTING! Sometimes I have to pause because I've chosen a weight that is really too high to complete my set.)

So, if someone is going to do 3 sets of 12 reps, they will do an exercise 12 times, from start to finish, then take a break and do the same thing two more times.

Make sense?

Any other exercise terms anyone is confused about? Let's get those discussed and out of the way, and then I'll move on to body parts...........

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