Monday, January 24, 2011

A Product Recommendation: PACE Weights

For Christmas I recieved something I feel is a valuable tool in my strength and muscle gaining arsenal: PACE Weights ( )

These were first mentioned to me by Ross, a trainer I worked with a year ago.  He told me about little 1/2 pound magnetic weights that attach to other types of metal weights (to include plates on cable machines) and make it possible to go up in poundage.   I Googled them, bookmarked the site, then asked for them for Christmas this year.

I'm sure you have experienced times when you can't go up to the next 5 or 10 pound weight, but the current weight is just a little too light for the number of reps you had in mind.  It's frustrating!  BUT, if you can go up 1/2 pound at a time, you can inch closer to that next weight mark.  Ross said "Can you imagine how fast you can gain strength if you can go up just a pound at a time?"  He was right- since starting to work out with my PACE Weights my strength has increased MUCH faster than it did without them.

IMHO they're kinda expensive- the full set is $89 and with shipping it comes out to $103.  This is for 18 PACE Weights (9lbs).  You can also get a smaller set of 9 PACE Weights (4 1/2 pounds), for $57.  But unless you strictly work out with one Dumbbell at a time, I'd recommend  the larger set.  I've had occasion to use more than 9 of them at once already.   And get the ones that include the case!  It makes them portable and more accessible with a place to store them.   I take mine to the gym and use them 5 days a week.

My friend Tammie saw mine, got PACE Weight envy, and purchased a set for herself.  I got a text this morning telling me how much she likes them.  This is one really great product! 

And no, I'm not on commission! :-D  I just believe in recommending a great product when I find it.

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